Coach Ziana
You are so much more than you think you are.
Cognitive Behavioural Therapist.
Book Free Assessment
Don't let them fool you. You are not your fancy car, your modern devices, implants, body type, hair color, designer clothing, or anything else that Social Media pressures you into being. If you could grow into the greatest "you" that you were meant to be, you'd never need to copy anyone else -- ever again. You would be the "influencer," not the "influenced."
FULL DISCLOSURE: At this time, free assessments are only available via Skype or Zoom. The process will take about 30 minutes. Since your confidentiality is imperative to me, it's important to be able to have a private, online session without disturbances.
Follow-up sessions, should you decide to receive them, will also be conducted online only, at this time.
Fees will be discussed privately, for any sessions after the initial free consultation.
To arrange for a Free Consultation, please send me a message.
Book a Free Assessment
Make a difference...share your story.
If Social Media Addiction and/or misuse has negatively impacted your life or the lives of those you love, you may be part of the solution by sharing your story. I'm not asking for your real name. In fact, please do not give your real name or the real names of anyone involved, for your own privacy and protection. Just share your story honestly and from the heart by using the form below to contact me. I am sorry for all you've been through, and I thank you for your courage in advance.