Coach Ziana
You are so much more than you think you are.
Cognitive Behavioural Therapist.
Certified Life Coach.
Relationship Counsellor.
What is BCT?
Don't let them fool you. You are not your fancy car, your modern devices, implants, body type, hair color, designer clothing, or anything else that Social Media pressures you into being. If you could grow into the greatest "you" that you were meant to be, you'd never need to copy anyone else -- ever again. You would be the "influencer," not the "influenced."
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is a non-judgemental, explorative journey through which a CBT Practitioner works together with a client to reveal Cognitive biases, distortions, and other unhealthy thought patterns that limit our views and hold us back.
There is no "one-size-fits-all" since we are all unique, but most clients will require between 6 and 12 sessions -- give or take, as required.
The focus is to move forward with measurable goals, while also determining where limiting thoughts originated, and changing the narrative that we've adapted, which has been detrimental to personal growth.
These mental blockages can cause:
relationship problems
and a whole host of other mental issues that can prevent us from living our best lives.
CBT is suitable for anyone who is ready for change, and desires to move toward the kind of life he/she envisions.
To book a Free Assessment, click here.
What is CBT?
Photo Credit: Cottonbro Studios.
CBT is a problem-focused, structured, goal-oriented form of Psychotherapy, geared toward assisting clients in identifying how their thoughts, attitudes, and core values affect behavioural patterns that create anxiety, fear, and other troubling issues which prevent individuals from “getting unstuck.”
Intrusive thoughts that we can't seem to control can mess with our emotions, which in turn can lead to behavioural patterns that don't serve us well, which can bring on more intrusive thoughts that mess with our emotions...the cycle seems never-ending.
Make a difference...share your story.
If Social Media Addiction and/or misuse has negatively impacted your life or the lives of those you love, you may be part of the solution by sharing your story. I'm not asking for your real name. In fact, please do not give your real name or the real names of anyone involved, for your own privacy and protection. Just share your story honestly and from the heart by using the form below to contact me. I am sorry for all you've been through, and I thank you for your courage in advance.