black and white bed linen

Coach Ziana

You are so much more than you think you are.

Cognitive Behavioural Therapist
Certified Life Coach
Certified Relationship Counsellor

Your Brain On Stress

Don't let them fool you. You are not your fancy car, your modern devices, implants, body type, hair color, designer clothing, or anything else that Social Media pressures you into being. If you could grow into the greatest "you" that you were meant to be, you'd never need to copy anyone else -- ever again. You would be the "influencer," not the "influenced."

Your Brain On Stress

It's no surprise to anyone that we're living in very stressful times, but that isn't new to our world, is it?

We've been under attack since...well...forever, but our enemies are not aliens. We, the inhabitants of this planet, are our own worst enemies, and possibly the biggest threat to our own world. If aliens do exist and if they do have the technology to peek in on us, I would not be at all surprised if they've activated their cloaking devices so that we can't see them...because we're so messed up they want nothing to do with such a violent species. But that's another story. Where was I going with this?

Oh yes...

While wars, famine, disease, and natural disasters have been around since the beginning of time, every generation has had to suffer the injustices that, in my opinion, are directly (and indirectly) caused by power-hungry politicians, entitled, overpaid CEO's, and other cannibals at the top of the human food chain.

We all know that shit rolls downhill, so we, at the bottom, are hit the hardest. Rent costs are skyrocketing. Around here, the cost of a run-of-the-mill, two-bedroom apartment has gone from about $900 to about $2,500 and up. The average house has gone from about $250,00 to about $650,000, making the purchase of one impossible for the everyday guy and gal. The cost of food has tripled in about three years. There are many who must choose between paying their rent or buying medicine to stay alive. All this after coming out of a pandemic, of all things!

Stress is hitting working class people hard as hell.

Stress is something we wake up to and go to bed with—like that boyfriend or girlfriend who mistook an overnight stay for a long-term commitment. It will not get its ass out of our lives. Stress is here to stay.

But look, it's not good for us. Allow me to outline what happens during periods of prolonged stress: The release of cortisol, controlled by the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, is released by the paraventricular nucleus (PVN)...oh, never mind.

Just think of it as having an IV Cortisol-drip hooked up to your brain. When exposed to too much cortisol, brain cells may start dying. Also, too much cortisol is toxic to the hippocampus, the area of the brain that’s responsible for memory function. If that's not bad enough, chronic stress can shrink the amygdala, which can lead to depression and anxiety. It's not only your psychological state that suffers during long periods of stress, your physical brain does too.

It literally changes, and not for the good.

Under stress, the Sympathetic Nervous System releases adrenaline (epinephrine) and Noradrenaline (norepinephrine) from nerve cells and adrenal glands. Cortisol is also released from the adrenal gland.

These hormones lead to increased respiration, increased heart rate, increased blood pressure, increased blood flow to certain muscles, pupils dilation -- and decreased immune response.

Now, these physiological responses are our life-savers in fight-or-flight situations, but having them perform in overdrive, with all of those stress hormones firing off, was not meant to be a lifestyle. Prolonged stress can create a whole landslide of afflictions that none of us want:

  • weight gain

  • hypertension

  • infections

  • fatigue

  • burn-out

  • anxiety attacks

  • sleep disorders

  • memory impairment

  • cognitive impairment

  • and more.

What can we do about it?

The Biopsychosocial Approach to stress management suggests a three-tier approach, which is this:

  1. Bio: Take care of the body, as in eat good, healthy foods, get enough sleep each night, avoid things like coffee and alcohol. (Maybe it's just me, but I'm am not giving up coffee. I will cut down!)

  2. Psycho: Practice mindfulness (meditation?), spirituality, religion, or trying to find meaning in difficult situation.

  3. Social: Reach out to whatever resources you have, like trustworthy friends, family, a counsellor or mentor to help you get over the hurdle.

I guess the bottom line is, don't keep on trying to shoulder the whole world by yourself. Forget trying to be a hero. Reach out. In the meantime, here are a few links that I hope will help you.

  1. Regulating your sleep: The Mayo Clinic

  2. Mindfulness Meditation

  3. Psychological/emotional support. 7 Cups offers a free online chat

Until next time...don't let the morons get to you!

Coach Ziana.

Coach Ziana.

When it comes to Social Media Addiction, I'm not here to make anyone comfortable. I'm not an easy chair. I'm here to tackle some of the issues plaguing our society, from Social Media addiction to the negative affect that some of our most iconic idols are having on our very impressionable youth.

If we don't tackle these issues head-on, they may very well destroy us, our families, our relationships, our careers, our very lives.

Please take a few minutes to click over to "Social Media Addition Statistics."  Some are downright frightening.

Make a difference...share your story.

If Social Media Addiction and/or misuse has negatively impacted your life or the lives of those you love, you may be part of the solution by sharing your story. I'm not asking for your real name. In fact, please do not give your real name or the real names of anyone involved, for your own privacy and protection. Just share your story honestly and from the heart by using the form below to contact me. I am sorry for all you've been through, and I thank you for your courage in advance.

Photo courtesy of Lisa Folios

Connect with Coach Ziana to share your story.

Smartphones: It’s Time to Confront Our Global Addiction | Dr. Justin Romano

This video is about 15 minutes long, but well worth viewing. If you don't have time to watch it now, please bookmark this page and return to it later.

Teen Suicide Hotline.

PLEASE use it. You are so precious and valuable. You ARE worthy. You are loved.

9-8-8: Suicide Crisis Helpline. Call or text.

Hours: 24/7


I'll try to find more for different countries.